About me


The origin of living things had not come out yet, the shapes of them neither. Nobody knew how to call them, how they were acting. (Kojiki "Record of Ancient Matters", 712 A.D., Japan). The earth was waste and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. (The Book of Genesis, 515 B.C. - 333 B.C., Middle East).

The works of Mr. Junzo Yuki, being in front of me, always remind me of these words above. Though it is certainly that there are many differences of opinion and of philosophy between Western people and Eastern people, I, having little knowledge, construct the meaning of these words as vagueness or chaos in the process of existence and alteration. Science must have brought the existence of object into the world which people, having lived in the era Kojiki or The Book of Genesis had appeared, had in themselves, but the true meanings in those words have not been cleared yet, and they will never be solved. Nevertheless, it is supposed that Mr. Yuuki might have tred to express vagueness and chaos which are thought not having even stream of time, that is, the process of existance and alteration of the objects through his works, as he stands up to what is inside of himself.

I have ever heard that he basically uses Japanese papers, acrylic resin, paste, and copper powder, moreover, mordant is also added into his works.

Indeed, his works represented with this kind of execution have texture and great depth enough to reveal what the author intends, but the mixture of copper powder with mordant within the process of execution can be considered as dismissal from his right to accomplish his works. If my inference would be regarded as correct, he might attempt not only to express image of existence and transformation, but also to produce stream of eternity from his origination.